Sunday, 21 June 2009

The Secrets of How to Earn Money For Surveys Online

Who couldn't use some extra cash these days. But not everyone has the ability to take on a second job especially if you have commitments such as a stay at home parent or a carer. Wouldn't it be great if you could discover an easy way to generate some extra income. A way to work hours that suited you and with the convenience of undertaking it right at home.

You can! Earn money for surveys online. If you don't even know what that is let me explain. Big companies, you know the one's, the household names we're all familiar with, spend multi-millions of dollars on new product launches. But, how do they know if the public will go for their great new product. Market research, that's how.

Organisations need everyday people like you to market test their products and give an honest opinion about it. There has to be some incentive for your feedback so they pay money, lots of it. This is where you cash in and here's how.


Search online for topics like Paid Surveys or Paid Opinions. The results will turn up hundreds of websites you can join. The minimum age is often 13 years old to join but some restrict membership to 18 years old and above. While you will find plenty of sites that offer a FREE sign up to take part in surveys you will come across some that require a joining fee. Some of these you would need to be wary of as they demand a high registration then offer little of poor chances of earning anything.

Not all the kinds of sites are bad though. Some impose a sign up fee to weed out non serious people but they compensate by providing much higher rewards. Sometimes earnings could be $75 to $200 per opinion completed.

Select all the sites that appeal to you and sign up to lots of them. Your age, lifestyle, income, likes / dislikes will determine the work you are offered so by being a member of plenty of sites vastly increases you chances of opportunities. Create a throwaway email account and use that as you could get lots of offers.

Taking Part

How many surveys you take part in largely depends on your personal profile. If you are a thirty year old stay at home mom companies rule you out of goods and services that would appeal to baby boomers and fifty something age groups. Similarly if you are fifty something your opinion of movies, music or fashion for under twenty one year olds is of no value. It's swings and roundabouts but there will still be plenty for you to do whatever you age or circumstances.


Payments can vary hugely from maybe $0.25 to a whopping $75 or more each time. Mostly you will have to accumulate a certain level of earnings, typically $50 or $100 before you can withdraw income or have checks or payment sent to you. This is pretty routine with the vast majority of sites you sign up with.

You will discover earnings are not always in cash but in the form of shopping vouchers, gifts cards, points redeemable at stores or discount coupons. Make sure you know the rewards before you take part in anything as it may not suit your needs.

Always read the FAQ's, instructions and information any site provides before joining them so you are aware of their rules and guidelines. When you do complete the surveys offered to you always fill them in truthfully or you might end up losing offers and risk having your membership terminated.

Consider installing a form filling tool. There are lots of free ones around and they can be set to automatically complete simple routine details such as your name, address, age, email. This saves huge amounts of time in what may become a little tedious. Keep at it as you can become adept very quickly, this will make it easier and boost your rewards. Above all else, have fun!

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